Commission Gorilla doesn't recognize my email address
When you purchase a Commission Gorilla account, YOU register and create your account. YOU choose your username and password.
You will receive an email from JVZoo with your login credentials to your JVZoo account
Log in to JVZoo with the credentials JVZoo have sent you. If you didn't get this email, you can log into JVZoo anyway: How Do I Log in to JVZoo?
Access the purchase COMMISSION GORILLA v3 and follow the steps in this article: Access Your purchase and/or bonus. You can now log in using the username and password you have just selected - we do recommend that you don't attempt the "Forgot Password" on first login - just log in and find your way around!
Once you have created your account, to apply the PRO upgrade, in JVZoo access the purchase Commission Gorilla V3 PRO UPGRADE and follow the steps in this article: How to Apply Upgrades to your Apps
Don't forget to log out and back in again to activate the upgrades
A great place to start is Commission Gorilla Step By Step Tutorials