ChitChatChimp Quick Start - Step 7 - Chats


When a customer leaves a chat by leaving the webpage where you have placed the bot code, the chat history will be saved so it can be viewed at a later date.

As always you can sort by column heading  - so Chat # or Date/time ascending or descending, Email Yes/No, Bot Name alphabetically, ascending or descending

Individual Chats

  • ViewThe Chat transcript show you which bot handled the conversation, at what time, the customer's IP address and if an email was given for a reply
    You are able to scroll through the whole conversation seeing the questions and the answers your bot gave.  On completion you can close the window or download the chat
    • Done - Close the window
    • Download - This will download this single chat transcript as a text file
  • Delete: As always you get a chance to confirm the delete request - and the delete is final!

Batched Chats

  • Download Select ALL or individual chats then click the Blue Download Checked Button.  This will create a .zip file of the selected chats, and download it to your computer
  • Delete: You will get popup window to confirm that you do want to perform this batch delete.  Remember, this is FINAL!
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