Feedback Fox Page Settings Tab
Whichever type of Feedback you choose, the page settings required are the same. As you make changes to the fields here, you will see them reflected in the preview window immediately below the control panel.
Page name: This is for internal use only so you can identify the page in your dashboard
Pause URL: If you decide to pause your feedback form for any reason - this will be the URL to which viewers will be redirected instead. NOTE: On the ACCOUNT tab, you can enter a "global" (for all your forms) Pause URL which will take effect if you don't put one here.
Text Color / Font : Specify the color and font for the text on your form. Note: you don't specify size since this is automagically adjusted to give the best display depending on the device the viewer is using
Page Color Mode: Solid or Gradient.
If Solid: choose 1 color
If Gradient: choose 2 colors and the angle of the gradient
Page Meta Title and Page Meta Description: for SEO purposes, etc
Code: this is for tracking pixels, etc