Commission Gorilla Mailgate

You can gate either your bonus page or delivery page (or both) with an un-passable mail opt-in form so the user has to opt in before being allowed access to the page.  This is entirely under your control!  Once a user has submitted their details they won't see the gate on subsequent visits.  This feature is enabled for ALL users.

Integrate Your Autoresponder

To use the Mailgate feature of Commission Gorilla, first you need to integrate your autoresponder with Commission Gorilla.  Locate your autoresponder, click on SETTINGS and follow the instructions.  Don't panic if your autoresponder isn't in the list. You can add the raw HTML form code when setting up the mailgate.

Setting Up the Mailgate

You will find the mailgate settings in the PAGE SETTINGS menu item 

Clicking on this button will open the control window for your mailgate for this page

The mailgate can be disabled, enabled for the bonus page only, the delivery page only or both
  Choose the background color for the mailgate window, the button text color and the button color - be sure the text is going to be readable on the background you choose!
Choose the text to appear on the button
Do you want to collect just the email address or the name too?

  Header and Footer Text - Type the text and format according to your choice of the options available - just like elsewhere in Commission Gorilla

Choose your integrated autoresponder or choose "Custom Form Code" (at the top of the list) and paste the raw HTML code from your autoresponder in the box that will appear at 10
A field will appear here with your lists from your autoresponder for you to choose which one the subscribers should be added to
You will be able to choose from tags set up in your autoresponder
Click OK ... and you're done!
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