Chit Chat Chimp Codes

When you SAVE your bot or click on "GET CODE" in your dashboard, you will see 3 codes:

Type 1 :  Inline Bot - Insert this code for an inline bot - put it on the page where you want the bot to appear - We advise you to put it into some kind of container as it auto sizes for width based on it's parent container.  An example of this is the page.
Type 2 :  Chatbox Bot - Insert on page for a pop up chatbox bot in bottom left or right corner. See the examples for ChatJack Bot.
Type 3 :  ChatJack Bot - (Unlimited Accounts Only) Same as Chatbox Bot but can be put over other people's webpages.  Here are a couple of examples: 
For this option set the URL and Title in the create/edit bot page:

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