25 bonuses: A step by step guide on how to download

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to download your 25 bonuses:

  1. Click on NEW PAGE in the top menu and wait for it to load
  2. In the menu on the left hand side: Click on Settings then Page Settings (with the "gear wheel" icon)
  3. Enter a Bonus Page Name - the other fields can be left blank
  4. Click on Page Settings button to close that menu
  5. Click on Bonus Delivery Page (with "delivery lorry" icon)
  6. Enter a Delivery Page Filename
  7. Click on Bonus Delivery Page button to close that menu
  8. Click on Blocks Button at the top of the left side menu
  9. Click on Bonus Block and one will be added to your page
  10. Click Select Bonus and from the dropdown list shown, click the Select button next to the bonus you want to inspect
  11. Repeat these last 2 steps for all the bonuses you want to inspect
  12. When done, click Save&Exit at the top of the left hand menu
  13. You are shown 3 boxes in the pop up.  select the last - this is the Thank You/Delivery page
  14. Copy this link - paste it into the address bar of your browser and press Enter
  15. You will now have links to download all the selected bonuses
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